"Horror and Science Fiction in the Cinema before 1980"


Few people have seen more movies than the Danish writer Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff – in his childhood and youth 3 or 4 a day – and this especially pertains to his favourite genres. For more than fifty years he has been collecting these movies on 8 mm, VHS and DVD.


In this book he traces the evolution of the classic horror and science fiction film from 1895 to 1979. 468 pages in large format – more than 1.100 normal pages – with an index of more than 1.500 titles, further including indices of directors and stars, it may well be the most comprehensive work on the subject.




468 sider

500 kr.


30-01-2013 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
HORROR AND SCIENCE FICTION IN THE CINEMA BEFORE 1980 udkommer fredag den 15. februar, hvor de første skulle modtage deres eksemplarer, og resten – om Post Danmark det vil – i løbet af den følgende uge …

11-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
When Man started to communicate, his conception of the physical world quite naturally became limited to what he was able to communicate. He thus became part of a new kind of “reality” as an individual, who could be called upon to act in a responsible, predictable way.

11-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
Liberalismen er et opgør med aristokratiet, fascismen med åndsaristokratiet. Skønt uden reel magt er den intellektuelle qua en ansvarlig overklasses rodskud samfundets samvittighed, hvilket er uforeneligt med den totalitære stats helhedsløsninger.

11-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
Det er nu tid til at bestille HORROR AND SCIENCE FICTION IN THE CINEMA BEFORE 1980, den uundværlige guide til gys og gru – og ikke mindst til BIBELEN, DANMARK og alle forfatterens andre ulæselige bøger. Transcendens med popcorn! Den udkommer til januar, koster 500 kr. for 800 sider og kan bestilles påkontakt@enwforlag.dk 

10-12-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
When it comes to our most cherished beliefs, reason is often powerless. Thus, Occam’s razor, compelling us to select the hypothesis making the fewest assumptions, seems to have been far from the minds of those, who formulated the so-called many-worlds interpretation.

28-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
When E. T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL came out in 1982, everybody agreed that it was a cute movie about a lonely boy and his imaginary friend. No one seemed to notice the supreme blasphemy of the poster paraphrasing the Sistine Chapel with the boy as Adam and E. T. as God.

24-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
Like most other dystopian movies, ROLLERBALL examines the relationship between the individual and the state. But while movies like 1984 correctly conclude that the ordinary citizen will inevitably be the loser in this contest, ROLLERBALL instead pits the extraordinary man against society.

20-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
HORROR AND SCIENCE FICTION IN THE CINEMA er nu foreløbig sat til at udkomme i midten af februar. DANNY LUND har som sædvanlig leveret en fremragende forside, som man indtil videre kan beundre her.

13-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
After the satirical DR STRANGELOVE Kubrick had developed a taste for science fiction. He consequently contacted Arthur C. Clarke, who had a reputation as a scientific fiction writer, i.e. space age freak and cargo cultist, sci-fi being the religion of a technological society.

13-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
In the nineties, Japanese horror found a market in the West, presenting a fresh approach to the tired old clichés – some of the more popular titles were even remade with American actors (which sort of defeated the purpose). Something similar happened in the sixties, with films like ONIBABA and KWAIDAN, if on a somewhat smaller scale. 

13-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
Socialist science fiction is of course different from the capitalist version in several aspects. One does not go into space to colonize it, but to gain knowledge, space travel considered the ultimate achievement of a purely materialistic science.

13-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
This is the movie, which its director FRANK WYSBAR later remade as STRANGLER OF THE SWAMP, earning him the directorship on such prestige projects as DEVIL BAT’S DAUGHTER. As opposed to many of his compatriots, he never claimed persecution in the old country. Goebbels simply didn’t like his style. Nor, it would seem, did the American critics.

12-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
For once the epithet “fantastic” is no exaggeration, whereas “incredible” would be a misnomer. The ingenious premise, clever plot and huge sets make believers of us from the very start, ignoring all the absurdities and inconsistencies. 

11-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff
In some ways this can be seen as the last entry in a genre that began with DESTINATION MOON in 1950. The Space Age had come and gone. What was it all about? Surely not about a McDonalds opening on Mars!


Et forfatterskab, der taler for sig selv.
En verdens- og virkelighedsmodel, som er helt sin egen.


Du kan bestille de titler, vi har på lager, via vores bestillingsformular.


Bestillingsformularen ligger under menupunktet "Bestilling" i den vandrette menubjælke.




Se en samlet oversigt over de titler, forlaget har på lager, under "Udgivelser".




I 2010 gik mit forlag gennem tredive år, Borgen, ned, og det var ikke nogen enkeltstående begivenhed. Det var det sidste træ i skoven, der faldt, som Information dengang skrev.


Det betød så, at JACK THE RIPPER udkom på Ole Sohns Forlag, som min skattede redaktør var flyttet til. Den solgte da også i et par oplag.


På det tidspunkt havde jeg imidlertid allerede udgivet BIBELEN på eget forlag. Jeg havde ikke engang ventet på de 150.000 fra Kulturministeriet, som ellers har været en fast indkomst.


Tiderne har forandret sig. Ud fra en vurdering af den økonomiske situation har man besluttet, at litteraturen er en af de ting, der må falde, hvis den ikke kan stå.


Og det har den aldrig kunnet. Den har udelukkende overlevet i kraft af de faste bogprisers beskyttelsestold og ved, at man har holdt forfatterne i live ved arbejdslegaternes kunstige åndedræt.


Naturligvis vil kioskforlag som Gyldendal fortsat blive holdt i et jerngreb af deres aktionærer, og dagbladene fortsætte med at skrive pænt om deres annoncører, men skilsmissen mellem litteraturen og bogbranchen er endelig. Hvad sker der så?


Der sker det, at de forfattere, der har et publikum, udgiver sig selv. Det er ikke så slemt, som det lyder – BIBELEN indbragte mig en kvart million, nok til, at jeg kunne købe mig ro til at skrive den næste, og så fremdeles.


Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff



Indholdsfortegnelsen til "Det magiske menneske".


Om "Det magiske menneske".


Uddrag: "Religiøse analfabeter".


Uddrag af "Det magiske menneske": "Verden er faldne engle."


Kommende bog: "Det magiske menneske".

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HORROR 2 (2021)


Af Christian Birchs efterladte papirer (2020)

ADFÆRD (2019)

LIV (2019)

MØDE (2018)


DRØM (2016)

HITLER (2015)


ROMAN (2014)

HORROR (2013) 

DANMARK (2012)

BIBELEN (2011)

9999 (2010)

HJERNEN (2006)


RUM (2001)



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